Thursday, September 5, 2013

Gregor's Room

Personal Opinion to Kafka's Metamorphosis

I found this story strange at best. The concept of a man turning into a bug sounds like something that would come from a bazar dream. When I first started to read this story, I found myself very creeped out. If this had happened to me, I would undoubtedly freak out. However, as the story progressed and I followed Gregor through this transformation, I found myself feeling very sorry for him to have to go through this for some unknown reason. It was sad to read that he died. You could not feel sorry for this man because his life did not end very well. To turn into a bug and then have his family almost immediately turn their back on him, as if he only mattered when he was a human. Strange, bazar, sad, and just plain freaky is probably the best way to summarize Kafka's Metamorphosis.

Monday, September 2, 2013

List 5/5

List 5

My favorite characters from movies:

1. Captain Jack Sparrow (Pirates of the Caribbean

How can you not like this guy? He's epic. Smart, witty, sarcastic, and just plain awesome. He outsmarts everyone. Although he lies, in the end he always tells the truth. Its hard to figure this guy out. 

2. V (V for Vendetta)

A revolting illusionary character. With a complicated past, he fights a dictatorship government and finds love along the way. 

3. Phantom (Phantom of the Opera)

A genius, composer, magician, and more. Left in the catacombs of the Paris opera house, he scares the new owners and fights for the woman he loves and is obsessed with. Not to mention, he's sexy.

List 4/5

List 4

Music I like to listen to:

1.  Nightcore

Nightcore is a genre of music. You can take any song and 'nightcore' it. Nightcore is fastpaced, higher pitched, and more techno. The song 'nightcored' here is 'Angel with a Shotgun'.

2. VNV Nation

Not sure how to describe this band. I think they might be alternative. Worth a good listen. The song below is called 'Space and Time'. 

3. Breaking Benjamin

A hard rock band. The song below is 'Dear Agony'.

List 3/5

List 3

People I find inspiring:

1. Ansel Adams

His black and white photography is one of the reason I got into photography. His work is very beautiful  and has won awards. For more info about him, check the link below.

2. Robert Frost

An author of great poems. He is my favorite poet. 

List 2/5

List 2

 Books I want to read: 

1. Moby Dick by Herman Melville

This book is a classic that I wish to read sometime in my life. 

2. Inferno by Dante Aligheri

An epic poem of a man's travel thru the realms of hell. I have begun this book but have yet to finish. 

3. Paradise Lost by John Milton

Another classic that I need to find time to read. 

List 1/5

List 1
Books I have read:

1. Abarat by Clive Barker

There are two versions of this book. If you decide to read it, get the illustrated version first. Its filled with awesome artwork that always looks to have come from a dream. The author himself paints the images in different sizes and then photographs them to be in the book. This book is all Clive Barker.

2. Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux

This book is a classic. For those who are going to think its about opera, don't. This book is a story of timeless love that everyone should read or know once in their life. Also, the movie is even better. Even if you don't like opera, you are sure to fall in love with the songs. 

3. Inkheart by Cornelia Funke

Its a story within story. A man with the ability to read stories to life. After a character or two pops out of the book 'Inkheart', a man known as Silvertongue must get the characters back into their own story. This also has sequels; 'Inkspell' and 'Inkdeath'. Below is a link to the movie as well (in my opinion, its one of those where the book is better).