Monday, December 9, 2013

3d to 2d

Balsa Wood

Focal Point




Based on the Scale balsa wood

Based on the Focal Point balsa wood

Based on the Pattern balsa wood

Paper Stacking

Fruit paper stacking: Lemon

My three photos of fruit paper stacking:

Invented paper stacking:

My invented paper stacking was inspired by surrealism. In my opinion, surrealism is based by the imaginative forming from the real. The thick squares in my project is the real and the stacked circles and curves are the imaginative design. 

My three photos of invented paper stacking:


Class notes on book On Longing

"The body is the primary mode of perceiving scale."

"Capacity of objects to serve as traces of authentic experience is exemplified by the souvenir."

"The souvenir reduces the public, the monumental, and the three-dimentsional into the miniature, that which can be enveloped by the body."

"Nostalgia cannot be sustained without loss."

"To have a souvenir of the exotic is to possess both a specimen and a trophy."

My momento is made of white fabric, blue string, and red string. This momento is made up of a half of the Russian and American flag. They both have the same red, blue, and white color. Russia and America are also both of my homes, one I was born in and the other I grew up in. They are both a part of me and a emotional form of a momento that I will always carry with me.